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When death separates us from someone we love it is an instant in time that turns love into loss.  Grief is the process we use to turn loss back into love.

Grief requires endurance.  It is not a quick process.

Grief is not pleasant.  It is a masterless savage.

Grief is constant.  Faith is the only refuge.

Anger is the brother of grief; doubt and insecurity are cousins.

Grief will consume wisdom.  It will overturn your world.

Comfort and acceptance escape you.

When grief is new, we cannot think or reason.

Gradually, we find small glimmers of hope.

Eventually, we begin to see a dim reflection of a new life.

Finally, these three remain:  Faith, Hope and Love.

And the greatest of these is love.


Lord, I thank you for my grief journey and all you have taught me.  Thank you for the grace to endure.  Let your message above give someone encouragement along their journey.  Amen.




As human beings, we are prone to fear just about everything.  So much of our life’s energy is wasted by fearing pain, loss, embarrassment, illness, unknown things, things that are not there, fear itself (thanks FDR) and so on.

Recently, I was lamenting the loss of memory.  I was afraid to let go of anything that connected me to a memory.  Ticket stubs, old photos, various papers, etc… Then I realized that those memories will always be a part of me.  We are the summation of all of our experiences.  Even if we don’t remember something.

I believe God made us this way.  To let go those things we may cling to in an unhealthy way.  So I have dowsed my fears of memory loss with the understanding that this is natural.   I will always have what I need to live, naturally.





Most people can tell the difference between the right way and the easy (comfortable) way.

It is the legend who chooses wisely, every day.
